Customer Videos

I didn’t know a parlay from a parfait! - Greg

Written by Jenna Taylor | Nov 14, 2024 11:34:30 AM

Meet Greg, a DoorDash driver who often clocks up 200 miles a day, delivering takeout and groceries to people’s doors.

He currently lives in Virginia but has traveled across the states and the world, thanks to his entrepreneurial spirit and search for financial success.

After a year and a half of working in the gig economy, Greg was frustrated with the time, effort and upfront costs it took to make a decent income. He liked the freedom of working to his own schedule, but wanted to find a more efficient way to make money.

It was killing me doing all this driving for DoorDash


“I don’t know a parlay from a parfait”

Despite being a self-confessed gambler when it comes to taking a chance in life, before he came across ProfitDuel, Greg had never used an online sportsbook. He had no knowledge of sports betting and traditional sports gambling didn’t appeal to him at all.

I’d never bet in my life. It made me sick to my stomach to think about putting $10 down and losing it.

But when a friend mentioned a risk-free process called matched betting, his entrepreneurial side took over and he decided to take a closer look.


“You ought to check this thing out!”

Greg found out about ProfitDuel from a friend - a young, ambitious entrepreneur. "I take anything he says very seriously," Greg said, remembering how his friend had told him, "You ought to check this thing out."

Matched betting with ProfitDuel immediately stood out to Greg as an alternative to his DoorDash gig. It offers the same flexibility but with a faster profit buildup. For example, Greg made around $200 from his first couple of offers - an amount that it would take him a whole weekend of delivering to achieve.


“I’m guaranteed I’m going to win”

Greg saw the potential of matched betting with ProfitDuel as soon as he completed his first offer. However, he was keen not to rush things and make silly mistakes.

Greg’s advice for anyone wondering about joining ProfitDuel is to “Do one step at a time”. Take your time to make sure all of the information is correct before you place your bets. That way, you know that you’ll make the exact profits shown on ProfitDuel’s software.

And for anyone concerned about the risks associated with traditional gambling, or for those who have never used an online sportsbook Greg has a few final words: “I’ve never gambled in my life and I still don’t want to gamble. But this isn’t gambling. Yes, it’s using the platforms of placing bets but it’s not gambling. I’m not risking my money.”


Try ProfitDuel Today

So what are you waiting for? There are tonne's of gleaming ProfitDuel reviews just like Greg's, so go ahead and add matched betting to your daily routine to see how easily you can add $1,000s to your monthly income.

Even better, right now as a new customer, you can get your first month of ProfitDuel Premium for just $1. That’s all the software, strategies and support you need to earn guaranteed profits with converting promos with ProfitDuel.